
Self-Sovereign Identity

We enable solutions that leverage Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs), which are W3C recommendations. We develop systems for managing the lifecycle of DIDs and VCs, including issuance, presentation, and storage. Learn more about our DID solution.

Access Control

We provide Attribute-based and Capabilities-based access control solutions. We enable transparent protection of Web resources and IoT devices. Our solutions enable controlled, decentralized, and secure of Internet resources. Learn more about our access control solution.

Traceability and Transparency

We develop Traceability and Transparency solutions. You can use our free, open-source Software Transparency as a Service platform that allows for digitally signing artifacts and registering them in a Transparency Registry.

Data Spaces

We are doing research related to the emerging domain of data spaces. We focus on privacy and access control and we develop solutions that allow secure, decentralized data sharing.


We enable the integration of emerging digital identity specifications (e.g., DIDs, VCs, eIDAS) with existing systems and Web applications. We develop solutions based on industry standards, including OAuth 2.0 and OpenID connect.


ExcID is a spin-off of the Athens University of Economics and Business. ExcID pursues identity and data-centric solutions to many Internet problems, mostly focusing on security and privacy, but also more generally, while making sure that security and privacy are supported by design from the outset.